Thursday, April 21, 2016


My movie for this project is The Fall. Because this movie was touching on surreal I decided my artist model would be James Jean. Most of his works are dreamlike and are striking. I chose to apply his detailed line style and minimal coloured works idea to my poster.

In The Fall, Alexandria and Roy go on a journey together through their storytelling. The characters they take with them visit a lot of different places. We are introduced to beautiful architecture and scenery. I was inspired by these visual elements and made them the focus of my poster.

I decided to have the buildings flow out of Alexandria’s head to symbolize that is where her story comes from. James Jean has many artworks with things coming out of people’s heads or people having multiple heads so I thought this idea tied in nicely with that. I chose to have her small in comparison to the buildings to communicate how much of a big mind she has and also how much of an impact it has on her.

I chose to have my poster very symmetrical to communicate Alexandria’s nativity and “straight forward” or “simple” thinking. I chose the orange colours to slightly reflect on the sand and older building colours seen throughout the movie. I played with the idea of the line work being orange also (or the whole composition completed in red) but I felt these colours didn’t suit that style as well as the blues that James Jean often used.

I chose red for the line work as red symbolizes love, danger and adventure. The love is between her and Roy for their friendship. Red is communicating the danger that Roy is to Alexandria throughout their relationship. The adventures they go through in their storytelling and in the real world are also communicated through this red.

For my marketing concept I created 6 bookmarks. These bookmarks are different coloured to represent different characters in the movie. (Orange and red: Alexandria, blue: Roy, yellow: the Russian, red: the Englishman, brown: the black man, green: the Indian).
I created bookmarks as my marketing idea as the movie does focus on Roy’s and Alexandria’s storytelling. With books, people are discovering new stories and ideas and this is where my bookmarks tie in with the movie. 

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